
Insphero 2015暑假3D细胞培养技术网络研讨会正式回归

点击次数:2920 来源网站: 发布时间:2015-07-24


A great way to learn how 3D cell culture is simply more relevant!




Insphero 2015暑假3D 细胞培养网络研讨会正式回归。Insphero利用独特的网络在线方式,让您暑假期间了解学习最新的3D细胞培养技术及应用。Insphero暑假网络研讨会从7月27日至8月7日,您也可以选择您感兴趣的课程学习。



Session 3D101(7月21日)
Monday, July 27
17:00 CEST

Simply More Relevant - An Introduction to 3D Cell Culture Technologies for Improved Biological Relevance
Keep Calm and Culture On - InSphero Scaffold-free 3D Cell Culture Platforms

by Dr. Jens Kelm of InSphero

Session 3D102(7月28日)
Tuesday, July 28
17:00 CEST

Making the Most of your Microtissues: 3D-optimized Cell Based Assays and Endpoints for Analysis of 3D Spheroids
Validating Cell-based Assays for use with 3D Culture Models

by Dr. Simon Messner of InSphero and Dr. Terry Riss of Promega

Session 3D103(7月29日)
Wednesday, July 29
17:00 CEST

Understanding Cellular Metabolism of Spheroids Using Extracellular Flux Technology
by Seahorse

Session 3D201(7月30日)
Thursday, July 30
16:00 CEST

3D Tumor Models for Drug Discovery and 3D cell culture as a tool for biomarker development in oncology
by Zoé Weydert of InSphero and by Dr. Arno Amann of Medical University of Innsbruck

Session 3D202(7月30日)
Thursday, July 30
17:00 CEST

Morphological Profiling of 3D Multicellular Tumor Spheroids (MCTS) with the Cell3iMager
by Dr. Leena Mol Thuruthippallil of InSphero and Dr. Geoffrey Bartholomeusz of MD Anderson Cancer Center

Session 3D305(7月31日)
Friday, July 31
16:00 CEST

3D InSightTM Human Pancreatic Microislets and the Power of Combination with HTRF® Technology 
by Dr. Wolfgang Moritz of InSphero and Julie Vallaghe of Cisbio Bioassays

Session 3D301(8月3日)
Monday, August 03
17:00 CEST

Liver Microtissue Models for Toxicity Testing and Drug Safety Assessment
By Dr. Simon Messner of InSphero and Alison Foster of AstraZeneca

Session 3D302(8月4日)
Tuesday, August 04
17:00 CEST

Assessment of Cholestasis and Imaging Bile Canaliculi in 3D InSightTM Human Liver Microtissues Using the Opera PhenixTM High Content Screening System
by Dr. Katrin Rössger of InSphero and Alexander Schreiner of PerkinElmer

Session 3D303(8月5日)
Wednesday, August 05
17:00 CEST

Introduction to Cardiac Microtissues and Assaying Electrical Activity, Intracellular Calcium and Contractility in Cardiac Microtissues Using the CellOPTIQ Platform from Clyde Biosciences
by Dr. Irina Agarkova of InSphero and Dr. Godfrey Smith of Clyde Bioscience

Session 3D304(8月6日)
Thursday, August 06
16:00 CEST

Towards Human and Rat Neuronal Microtissues for Toxicity Testing
by Dr. David Fluri of InSphero

Session 3D401(8月6日)
Thursday, August 06
17:00 CEST

The Body on a Chip - Modeling Complex Multi-organ Systems Using Microtissues and Microfluidics
by Olivier Frey of ETH Zurich

Session 3D501(8月7日)
Friday, August 07
16:00 CEST

The Embryonic Stem Cell Test - An Efficient in vitro Assay in Developmental- and Reproductive Toxicity Testing
by Dr Simon Ströbel of InSphero and Dr. Claudia McGinnis of Roche

参与Insphero 2015暑假3D网络研讨会,还有机会获得Insphero的Ph.3D. 证书,更有机会赢得$500旅游经费,





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