

点击次数:4278 来源网站: 发布时间:2015-06-18






1. 问:Cellendes 三维细胞水凝胶是否可以做切片?
Since hydrogels consist mostly of water, it is quite difficult to prepare frozen sections. I  think the better way would be to prepare paraffin sections if this is compatible with the experimental analysis.


2. 问:水凝胶包埋的三维细胞是否可以用荧光染色,该如何操作?
答:水凝胶包埋的细胞是可以用小分子量的荧光试剂标记的。下面这篇protocol(MDCK cyst formation in 3-D Life Hydrogels)中介绍了如何用鬼笔环肽(phalloidin)标记肌动蛋白和Syto 24 Green标记细胞核。

cells imbedded in 3-D Life Hydrogels can be labelled with fluorescent small molecular reagents. An example how this is done using phalloidin to stain the actin network and Syto 24 Green to stain nuclei is illustrated in our Protocol No. 1 (MDCK cyst formation in 3-D Life Hydrogels),
If your customers would like to immuno-label cells in hydrogels, it will be a bit more difficult, because the high molecular weight of the antibody takes much longer to diffuse through the gel than small molecular staining reagents. In that case the incubations with the first and second antibody should be done overnight and the washing out of the antibody should be done during the following day with 3 washing steps. It is also important to make the gels as thin as possible, so the diffusion distance to reach the cells in the gel is not too far.


3. 问:客户培养的细胞是成骨细胞,请问推荐用哪个试剂盒?因为2D培养时需每天更换培养基,且更换的培养基是不同的,请问渗透进水凝胶的培养基能否被替换掉?
答:推荐的是3-D Life Dextran-CD Hydrogel Kit (Cat. No. G91-1) with RGD Peptide (Cat. No.  09-P-001)。
A frequent medium exchange works well with 3-D Life hydrogels, because the diffusion of low molecular weight compounds is very rapid. The diffusion is slower, though, with higher molecular weight compounds, as for example growth factors. Depending on the molecular weight of the growth factor and the gel size it can take a while (up to hours) until the molecules have penetrated the entire gel.


4. 问:产品的效期是多次时间?


5. 问:水凝胶试剂盒中的硫代甘油(Thioglycerol)是必须使用的吗?

The Thioglycerol is not necessary for cultivating chondrocytes without RGD.  We include Thioglycerol in the kit in case someone wants to compare a gel with RGD to a gel without RGD. In this case Thioglycerol can be used to modify the control gel to make sure that the strength of this gel is comparable to the gel containing RGD.


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